In Hibernation?

.. someone asked me recently.  For someone who writes a travel blog it certainly seems that way. My extra layer of fat encapsulating me and keeping me warm makes me feel that way. We have been blessed with only minimal amounts of snow in Pennsylvania, dodging each one.  Just to make life messy and difficult but not impossible. In past years there was usually a weekend trip into the city planned but not this year with temps hovering in the teens.   How I miss those blue bird days out in Utah where after a long night of snow the warm sun beckoned you out onto the mountain.

Alas, as I sound like a shrew let me instead view the winter as a shrew who burrows underground.  Just look at my baking pans -well used 2015-01-20 18.52.51after making delicious treats, my crockpot – stained from thick stews,  my drawers all neat and tidy (well better then usual), my untapped profile –  all the good beer (love the stouts), my volunteer work at church – how organized and ready I am for Soup Suppers!  And yes, we did venture out on several occasions, visiting the Winter Fest in New Hope, the Sands Casino followed by a great dinner at The Bayou, and of course evenings at Pags with friends and family.  And winter is not complete without a trip to Ikea to get reorganized…

…. looking back I’d say then No.  I am not in Hibernation.  Just travelling in my own backyard.